6743-3 (DVC)
Available packing
  • WOLVER Vakuumpumpenöl W 110 is assigned to category 2 of used oils and thus is free for disposal.
Wolver Vakuumpumpenöl W 110 is a highly oxidation-stable, paraffin based, close-fractioned mineral oil raffinate without additives. The product is characterised by a low vapour pressure, good lubrication ability and a long lifetime.

  • Excellent suitability for rotary vacuum pumps of various types;
  • Particularly applicable for vacuum compressors being employed to generate ultimate pressures in the fine and rough vacuum range;
  • Generally usable for rotary and vane piston pumps with simultaneous sealing, heat conduction and wear reduction of the pump system;
  • In roots vacuum pumps which are operated with a dry pump chamber, Wolver Vakuumpumpenöl W 110 can be applied for the lubrication of the gear;
  • Usable for the pumping of air, inert gases and further non-aggressive gases.